Wednesday, November 30, 2016


One of the most common misconceptions about bananas is that they grow on trees. Turns out, bananas are actually herbs (I know, your whole life is a lie). Oh and herbs don't grow on trees, they grow on herb plants. So when you see a banana "tree" it's actually a giant herb. And now the reason that bananas are considered herbs is because for something to be considered a fruit, it has to have some sort of woody tissue connecting the fruit to the plant and bananas don't have that... And there's not a specific reason that bananas are considered fruits other than the fact that they're sweet-ish and are fruit-looking I guess.

picture citation: "II: Fruit Crops – Part 2." Living Farmacy at Rancho Margot. Rancho Margot, 10 Nov. 2015. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nasty water

In the past 200 years or so the sanitation of water has increased greatly. The fact that there is filtration and processing for every drop of water that we drink is amazing. If you look at the sewer systems in chicago and new york and such, you can see all of the filth that has to be removed from the system for it to be clean. And i'm glad the sewers are underground and not on our streets and all over the place. The thing that fascinates me the most is that this was revolutionized in the mid 1800s which took lots of thinking and genius for back then.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

election results -_-

I feel ok about the election I guess. I would tell them that the results are the results so we're going to have to deal with it right now. I feel like most people weren't happy because the voting was strategic and not because they liked their candidate, they just disliked them less. This causes lots of disappointment. But this is how politics works :/.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


I am very much so scared of Bears with Chainsaw arms. I'm also scared of responsibilities and girls. Psalm 27:1 clearly states that there is no need to fear because I have God. Fear can cause people to be less explorative or fun. This can lead to a more boring life style.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1:1 BENefits

Since around grade four, I have had my own macbook air. I feel as if there are many benefits and drawbacks to having technology in the classroom. The benefits include increased learning, fact checking/access to internet, and having the ability to move on without waiting for the teacher to teach the students that are behind/not getting it and vice versa. Some of the drawbacks are that it can give you distractions, let you be more discreet about avoiding learning, and lets you avoid paper and working manually without a computer doing your work for you. We could increase these benefits by having more individual lessons that allow you to move on without getting the ok from the teacher. The first drawbacks in my opinion shouldn't be considered drawbacks, because it shows you who's serious about school, and if you aren't serious enough to pay attention, than you shouldn't be forced to learn. We could also have one day every other week where we don't use our computers at all and just use paper to give us a different view on our learning environment.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Who am i interviewing?

I am interviewing my father because he lived in a very different life than ours. He had 3 other brothers and a mother who wasn't as overprotective as the ones today are. He also served in the canadian Military as a paratrooper combat engineer and spent his life moving from province to province.  I have decided to ask him something along the lines of what would he do with his day normally. I find that this would provide a brilliant contrast to how we spend our days here and now

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The literature arts are a very beneficial part of life. They can relieve stress, give your child a better thing to do than sit at home and sleep all day, and most importantly, they stimulate your brain more. Although arts are made for enjoyment, they also expand certain parts of your brain and give you increased brain function. This is crucial because if you don't participate in the arts you can suffer greatly and have weak parts of your brain exposed. I see the arts as something that's crucial, but not as crucial as other components of life. I believe it should come after your spiritual walk, your social life, your academics, your family, and your athletics.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Serious about Selflessness

I feel as if being selfless if the whole point of our lives. If we pursue our lives looking out for ourselves and trying to let us be more comfortable and happy, then what legacy will we leave for the human race or the continuation of the planet? If we cease to be selfless than we cannot continue to progress as a society or race. If everyone right now were to become selfless the human race would progress much farther in a shorter amount of time. Also, selfishness is what causes communism and socialism to fail time and time again because nobody wants to work for others, just for themselves. 
Selflessness is talked about in every religion. If you look at Luke 6:35 and Philippians 2:4 you can see Christianity's view on it. If you look at Al-Araf 7:55-56 you can see Islam's view on it. I could go on, but The point is that everyone has the same view on selflessness. So why don't we follow our beliefs? Is it preservation or just human nature? To answer that question I'd have to go into too much philosophy and psychology for a middle school blog post. But figure it out for yourself, try to find out what your view on it is. See what you can discover.  

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Very Creative Title

In this recent quarter I learned about the history of the United States and how they were originally founded. It's interesting to see how these people had such little but they put it all on the line to create a country. I found this interesting mainly because they had moved to the new world to gain religious freedom and it eventually morphed into a yearning for all kinds of freedom which is inspiring in many ways. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Why you Hadron on me?

The Large Hadron collider is a very interesting machine. It's strange how we can get such small particles to collide and how we can study the collisions to see what the particles are made of. It seems to have cost lots of funding and time to create and then recreate and run daily. It's funny how all this work to only see how an atom piece curves after it collides.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Problems facing children in Nigeria regarding public santitation

In Nigeria, Sanitation and hygiene levels are very poor and need improvement. These issues especially affect the children because their immune system is weak and not fully developed yet. The research i've done on this subject has made me quite aggrieved for the citizens of Nigeria who have to suffer through these bad positions. If the government would put more of the budget/spending on public hygiene, then i feel as if  the problem would be less severe. There are many foundations helping with this problem, including wateraid and UNICEF. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

This Hilaryous post Trumps all others

I feel that none of the running candidates right now would be a good decision. I looked at multiple websites on their views, previous experience with politics and education. I found out that Gary Johnson was the Governor of New Mexico from 1994-2002, and has run for President in 2000 and 2012; Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State from 2009-2013, the Senator from 2001-2009, and has run for president in 2008; Jill Stein has run for multiple offices including president, the secretary of Massachusetts and Governor while Donald trump has had no political experience. So here, Hillary has the upper hand in experience. When it comes to education, all of the candidates seem to be well educated, with Gary Johnson getting a Bachelor from the university of New Mexico, Hillary Clinton getting a Doctor of Law from Yale university and a bachelor from Wellesley college. Jill stein got a Medical Doctorate at Harvard Medical School and a Bachelor's in Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology also at Harvard. Donald Trump attended Fordham University and achieved a Bachelor of Science,  Economics/Real Estate, and Wharton School of Finance at the university of Pennsylvania.  On views I disagree with most of the candidates on most issues including abortion, same-sex marriage, gun ownership, privatizing social security, expanding the military, and American exceptionalism. Donald Trump seems to have the most moral standards out of the four. So, in conclusion, I would not vote for anyone because I feel as if i shouldn't vote for any politician that i don't support completely. And If I had to vote i would vote for Donald Trump simply because he's entertaining when he rants and insult others and i laugh at it. But I laugh when my dog runs into walls, and my dog shouldn't run the country, so i would prefer not to cast my vote this election. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

wooh inventions

Since 1898 many important things have been invented. But the most important of all of them is the thousand finger massage chair w/ built in universal remote. This is a very important invention because it allows you to relax your muscles and watch mindless television at the same time, without moving a finger. This can help by weeding out the weak who continue to relax when work is to be done, so that when the elite shut off the power the unprepared will weeded out.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

This is one Petty post

Over the course of last week, I learnt a few spiritual guidelines and tips to help me along. I didn' t get much out of the first two sermons, but I feel as if Mr. Bell's sermon impacted me a lot. In his sermon i learned to be thankful and not to just assume I don't have to be thankful if i don't have anything. I find this funny because most people who do have things to be thankful for still aren't thankful. If I apply this in my life, i will be able to live a happier and care free life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ben Here Done That

This year in science I'm super excited to learn about and do science labs.  I love doing science labs because it can show us how science affects us in our lives. I'm not so excited to do actual science work because I don't like to work. My goal is to successfully make straight A's in every suspect. And I also don't want to fail Alg II or make any of my teachers mad (probably not going to happen).