Friday, October 7, 2016

Serious about Selflessness

I feel as if being selfless if the whole point of our lives. If we pursue our lives looking out for ourselves and trying to let us be more comfortable and happy, then what legacy will we leave for the human race or the continuation of the planet? If we cease to be selfless than we cannot continue to progress as a society or race. If everyone right now were to become selfless the human race would progress much farther in a shorter amount of time. Also, selfishness is what causes communism and socialism to fail time and time again because nobody wants to work for others, just for themselves. 
Selflessness is talked about in every religion. If you look at Luke 6:35 and Philippians 2:4 you can see Christianity's view on it. If you look at Al-Araf 7:55-56 you can see Islam's view on it. I could go on, but The point is that everyone has the same view on selflessness. So why don't we follow our beliefs? Is it preservation or just human nature? To answer that question I'd have to go into too much philosophy and psychology for a middle school blog post. But figure it out for yourself, try to find out what your view on it is. See what you can discover.  

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