Thursday, February 16, 2017

wow what great benefits

Lately, my grade has been combining different subjects. I find this to be (most of the time) unecessary and with no benefits for the most part.  Although there are exceptions, such as using mathematics in science, most of the time the subjects should stick to themselves because that's what the teacher specializes in and if you are graded for a different subject than the one you're in, than the grade doesn't properly reflect how good or bad you are in that subject.  Things that may be related should be mentioned, but you shouldn't spend a science unit on a history subject unless you're only looking at the science of it. And if you are having a joint project, than the project should be graded separately, not as a single grade that they share.  Say I write a paper for any subject, the punctuation and spelling should affect your english grade while your research and point prove the other subject. Some may say that being graded on punctuation will prepare you for what they do in college, but that's what my english class is for.

Friday, February 10, 2017


This is sketched out design of our parachute:

This is a picture of the finished product:

Basically, the design of the parachute was just attaching three garbage bags to the passenger (a dinosaur named frances john) through fishing line. We dropped the air resistance module (ARM) from a balcony and continued to watch frances drop to the ground. He didn't die because I cleverly covered him in tape padding. Although we probably could have done better, I am proud of our baby and the way she performed.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hey man, what's the Neal?

Neil Gorsuch was Mr. President Trump's Supreme court nominee. After researching into Gorsuch's views and beliefs, I find that he is a strong textualist, which I think is an amazing thing, because the constitution is what made this country great, why not look back to it? He also disbelieves in euphemism, which I can get behind, because if no one insults anyone or uses any "not so good words" then everyone'll be a pansy. I think that if you don't agree with Trump's pick, then you should find something good about him. There's always something good for someone about someone.